Josiah Ellner

Josiah Ellner is a highly talented artist based in Chicago, Illinois, who has successfully completed his Master's degree in Fine Arts, specializing in painting and drawing, from the prestigious School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Although born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, he spent a significant portion of his formative years in Xi'an, China. Growing up in a bustling city of over 8 million people with scarce green spaces and little to no wildlife, he always felt a sense of disconnection from the natural world. Despite this, he has always felt an inexplicable draw to nature and a deep yearning to reconnect with it.


Ellner's work is inspired by his experiences of encountering and engaging with nature. His unique perspective and artistic prowess come together to create playful and whimsical narratives that capture fleeting moments of wonder and intimate connection. Through careful abstraction, he is able to heighten and fully convey his interactions with the natural world, which are often awkward, spiritual, and whimsical.


Ellner's art is characterized by its highly abstract nature, yet it conveys deep meaning and emotion. His work is an exploration of the relationship between humans and nature, and often highlights the tension that arises from this relationship. His art is not only visually stunning but also thought-provoking, as it encourages the viewer to reflect on their own relationship with nature.


Overall, Josiah Ellner is an artist who is passionate about his craft and committed to exploring the beauty and complexity of the natural world through his art. His work is both unique and captivating, and he is sure to continue making waves in the art world for years to come.